Chengdu Model of Young Pioneers’ Socialized Work: Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures

Xiao LIU, Ailing LI, Xujun WANG


Through the investigation of the operation mechanism and activities of Red Scarf College in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, it is found that the unique role of Red Scarf College in leading the thought of children is not enough. By means of questionnaire survey, interviews, field observation and other investigation and research methods, it is found that the main reasons for the insufficient guidance of ideological and political education for children in Red Scarf College are insufficient curriculum orientation, team stability, unclear public welfare boundary, and weak publicity strategy. To solve these problems, the following countermeasures can be adopted: to establish a top-down working mechanism by "Party team integration"; To build a series of enlightening courses of political thought with "expert gatekeeping"; To construct the internal and external integration of the disputing chapter system with "internal and external connection"; Broaden the practical education map of the Young pioneers by "co-construction + self-construction". 


Red Scarf College; Young Pioneers; Socialization; Juvenile children; Out-of-school practice

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