Prevalence, Patterns and Cognitive Barriers to HIV Disclosure Intention Among Treatment-Seeking People Living with HIV
Background: Globally, the patterns, prevalence and cognitive barriers to Human-Immunodeficiency-Virus and Acquired-Immune-Deficiency-Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) disclosure among individuals diagnosed with HIV have continually been a source of concern, especially in developing countries. This been widely linked to most persistent problems thwarting the effort of authorities saddled with responsibilities of curbing the menace of HIV/AIDS in Africa at large. The unabated issues have been a primary global health concern.
Methods: The study was carried out in the Heart to Heart (H2H) unit of Hematology Department of the Ondo State Teaching Hospital, Akure, Ondo State. The study incorporated a blend of a quantitative method (to explore the prevalence of disclosure and its socio-demographic prevalence) and qualitative method (to explore cognitive barriers to self-disclosure of HIV positive status. The quantitative data was gathered from three hundred and ninety (n=390) PLWHA and the qualitative data was gathered from nineteen (n=19) PLHIV.
Results: The prevalence of low-disclosure intention among treatment-seeking people living with HIV/AIDS was pegged at 64.6%. Approximately 70% of the males and 60% of the females are not likely to disclose their HIV positive status. 65% of the PLHIV from monogamy family structure are not likely to disclose their HIV positive status. Anticipated stigmatization, disclosure self-efficacy, mood problems, health locus of control were identified as the major cognitive barriers to disclosure of HIV positive status.
Conclusion: The study further concludes that anticipated stigmatization, disclosure efficacy, manifested mood problems (anxiety and depressive symptoms), and health locus of control were the implicated cognitive barriers to disclosure among a hospital-based PLHIV. The outcome was similarly Furthermore, the study revealed that the target of disclosure was major to secondary circle i.e. parents and siblings and not towards the primary circle, such as; spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend, children. Implications and recommendations were further discussed.
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