Factors Influencing Inclination towards Agro-food Entrepreneurship among Kelantan Youth
The National Agro-food Policy is an opportunity for agro-entrepreneurs to increase their revenue and it also provides job opportunities for unemployed youth. However, the agricultural sector is not attractive to convince the youth and young generations to engage in the agro-food sector because of the perception. This study was aimed at identifying the factors influencing inclination towards agro-food entrepreneurship among Kelantan youth. The study used a non-probability sampling technique and 100 questionnaires were distributed to youth in Kelantan. In order to achieve the aim of study, a descriptive analysis was employed to analyse the data. The findings demonstrated that attitude was the most significant factor influencing the inclination of youth towards agro-food entrepreneurship. Future research should focus on respondents who have a background in agriculture, such as agricultural students or people who are involved in the agro-food sector in order to acquire a greater understanding of factors that influence the inclination towards agro-food entrepreneurship.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/11046
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