On the Benevolence Heart of the Preschool Teacher
Early childhood education is a meaningful activity for the enlightenment and cultivation of young children’s minds. The benevolence heart of preschool teachers should be the necessary prerequisites and core character for preschool teachers to engage in educational and teaching activities. It is not only the lofty expectation of society and kindergarten education for preschool teachers’ professional quality, but also the “unique” virtue of preschool teachers’ profession, emphasizing the harmony of material and spiritual, perceptual and rational qualities. Which is manifested in love with oneself, children and the cause of early childhood education, etc. The benevolence heart of the preschool teacher’s which have the characteristics of empathy, tolerance, caring and alertness. The formation of the benevolent heart of preschool teachers is of great significance to the development of children’s physical and mental health and the professional development of the self. The cultivation path includes preschool teachers’ self-cultivation of morality, the harmonious guidance of the social public opinion environment, the creation of scientific kindergarten culture of benevolence, and the construction of a perfect preschool teacher professional development system.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/11021
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