Contribution of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the Analysis of Parasitic Diseases: The Example of the Malaria in the City of Bouaké in Côte d’Ivoire
Malaria is the most widespread parasitic disease in the world and the most deadly parasitosis in tropical regions. Using a Geographic Information System integrating epidemiologic, entomologic, socio-demographic, cartographic, positioning Global Positioning System (GPS) data and information from satellite images, the objective of this study is to identify areas at risk of malaria transmission as well as their determinants.
Our results highlighted spaces at malaria risks and allowed to distinguish two major categories of larval lodges, humid shallows and paddy fields in Bouaké where the number of Anopheles An. Gambiae was significantly higher (p <0.001). Moreover, it was also observed an absolute link between the level of parasitic load of the north-west and north-east neighborhoods and level of malaria prevalence (p = 0.0275).
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