Timing sequence evolution, influencing factors and control approaches to China’s gross energy consumption
Confronted by the finite limits of its natural resources and damage to its ecosystem caused by its high level of energy consumption, China is taking the initiative in developing self-restrained. In early 2013, the Chinese government announced clear and specific quantitative targets for the control of gross energy consumption. This could bring gross energy consumption of coal equivalent to less than 4 billion tons by 2015. It would also demonstrate the Chinese government’s promotion of a viable ecological future. Despite the variable growth rate in China’s energy consumption in the past, over the last 30 years, the gross energy consumption has continued to grow exponentially and China now consumes more energy than any other nation. China’s energy consumption has been influenced most significantly by macro-economic growth, the development of industrial structure, residents’ consumption structure and urbanization. The mission to control gross energy consumption is going to be an arduous one. In order to achieve its targets, China should establish the allocation and implementation mechanism of control targets for gross energy consumption, implement carbon emission trading, promote policies on industrial transformation and low-carbon society construction, etc.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/9987
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