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SAWANEH, Banna, Public Administration, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigreria. (Nigeria)
Sayah, Leila, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Sayl, Zineb
Saysombath, Phouthanouphet, Graduate Office, National University of Laos, P.O Box 7322 Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR (Lao People's Democratic Republic)
SÉKA, Yapi Arsène Thierry, École Normale Supérieure d’Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), Psychologie de l’éducation et du développement, CÖTE D’IVOIRE. (Côte d'Ivoire)
Sánchez-Cubo, Francisco, Researcher, Applied Economics I, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca, Spain. (Spain)
S¨oderbacka, Gunnar, Avdeling for Nærings-og sosialfag, Høgskolen i Finnmark, Follums vei 31, N-9509 ALTA, NORWAY (Norway)
Séka, Yapi Arsène Thierry, ENS Abidjan, sciences de l’éducation, unité de psychologie. Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. (Côte d'Ivoire)
Sós, Katalin, Department of General and Environment Physics, University of Szeged, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education, Szeged, Hungary (Hungary)
Sós, Katalin, Department of General and Environmental Physics, University Szeged, Szeged, Hungarian. (Hungary)
Söderbacka, Gunnar
Schlesinger, Jon, Hiatt Career Center, Brandeis University, Massachusetts, USA. (United States)
Schmidt, Thomas, University of Wisconsin, La Crosse (United States)
Schooler, Jonathan W.
Schwartz, Fabiano Peruzzo, Affiliation Centro de Formação, Treinamento e Aperfeiçoamento da Câmara dos Deputados, Brazil (Brazil)
Scott Eke, Abue Ako, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Dschang/ Assistant Lecturer CUIB Buea, Cameroon. (Cameroon)
SEA, Souhan Monhuet Yves, Département des Sciences du langage, Institut de Linguistique Appliquée (ILA), Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (Abidjan).
Secinaro, Silvana, Department of Management, University of Turin, Italy. (Italy)
Seddeek, A. K.
Sedrak, M. F.
Seehamongkon, Yannapat, Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University (Thailand)
Seifriz, Florian
Seifriz, Florian, Institute of Training Science and Sport Informatics, German Sport University Cologne, Carl-Diem-Weg 6, 50933 Cologne, Germany. The German Research Centre of Elite Sport. (Germany)
Seingue, Romain Gouataine, Département de Géographie, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Bongor, BP 15 Bongor, Tchad. (Chad)
Sekuru, Abdullahi Mohammed, Department of Business Administration, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria. (Nigeria)

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