
Search Thesis Abstracts

Issue Title
Vol 7, No 1 (2013): International Business and Management Corporate Governance and Risk Management in Developing Market:A Logic Analysis and Proposal Abstract  PDF
WANG Xiaoyan
Vol 7, No 2 (2013): International Business and Management Strategies for Improving Corporate Governance by Organizations in Nigeria Abstract  PDF
B. Chima Onuoha, Chinedu N. Ogbuji, Abu A. Ameh, Oba, Unoiza Oregwu
Vol 3, No 1 (2011): International Business and Management Directors’ Fiduciary Duties to Perform in the Best Interest of the Companies: An Inter-Related Relationship Between Ethics and Governance Abstract  PDF
Suraiya Ishak, Ahmad Raflis Che Omar, Azhar Ahmad
Vol 3, No 1 (2011): International Business and Management Financial Characteristics, Corporate Governance and the Propensity to Pay Cash Dividends of Chinese Listed Companies Abstract  PDF
Litai CHEN, Chuan LIN, Yong-cheol Kim
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