A Study on Implications of Crowdsourcing Outcomes in Mashhad Municipality Organization
Crowdsourcing a strategic model to attract people interested and excited empower people usually can do what. The objective of this study is to identify and rank the impact of groundsheet in the city of Mashhad. This is a descriptive—survey research. The study population consisted of 3 members of the municipal organization managers in Mashhad and three faculty members and academic experts, which were examined to recognize results of the Delphi technique was used in groundsheet activities of the city of Mashhad. Meanwhile, a questionnaire to assess the impact and effectiveness of dimensions relative to each other based on the technique (DEMATEL) were collected and fuzzy network analysis techniques (FANP) for Super Decision were used. The results suggest that based on the Delphi technique, according to experts 8 factors (idea attraction, investment attraction, reduce costs, simplify the process of urban development, information sharing, decentralized organization, reduce referrals of people and improve the quality of life of citizens) to the main outcomes were identified as crowdsourcing, also using the results of DEMATEL attracted the most effective ideas and improve the quality of life for citizens to have the greatest influence. At the same time results of fuzzy analysis network (FANP) indicated that among mentioned factors, ideal attraction factor and reducing agent referrals showed that the highest and lowest scores respectively
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/9317
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