Level of Practicing Decision Making Skills by Female School Principals in the Directorates of Education in Zarqa Governorate
This study aimed at identifying the level of decision-making skills of the female school principals of the directorates of education in Zarqa Governorate. It also aimed at identifying the obstacles facing the female school principals in the decision making process of the directorates of education in Zarqa Governorate. Furthermore, the study discussed the methods for developing the practical skill level of decision making by female school principals at the directorates of education, Zarqa Governorate. The study sample consisted of 165 female principals, employed the descriptive method, and was applied during the academic year 2015/2016. The most important results of the study were as follows:
There was agreement among the study sample on the level in practicing decision-making skills as well as agreement on the obstacles that face the female school principals in Zarqa Governorate in practicing decision-making skills.
There are statistically significant differences related to the academic degree in practicing the decision making skills, statistically significant differences in the obstacles facing the principals in practicing the decision making skills, and statistically significant differences in the ways to develop the decision making skills of the female school principals in Zarqa Governorate.
There are no statistically significant differences according to the years of experience, training, and number of training courses on the level of practice of the decision-making skills. The same also is true for the obstacles facing the decision-making skills, and the methods of developing skills in the practice of decision-making.
The study further showed agreement among the study sample on ways of developing the decision-making skills of the female school principals in Zarqa Governorate, as viewed by the female principals themselves. The study concluded with some recommendations in the light of these results.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/n
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