Logo Design Methods Based on Compound Indicatives



Under the influence of economic globalization and intense market competition, individual design style and national cultural tradition have become the essential elements of design. It is a demanding task for Chinese designers to set up new Chinese design styles. In my opinion, the Six Principles of Chinese Writing, which are the principles of Chinese characters’ formation and application, is a set of design methods that can be applied to modern design. In this paper, I present my research on the new design methods based on compound Indicatives, one of The Six Principles, with logo design as examples. I analyse compound Indicatives as design idea, and relate them with modern design methods. Finally, I draw my conclusion that logo design based on compound indicatives comprises a set of effective design methods and is one of the characteristic design methods in China which will carry forward the Chinese design.


Design method, logo design; The Six Principles of Chinese Writing; Compound Indicatives

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/n


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