The Potency of Consequential Validity Evidence in High-Stakes Assessment Practices
The last few years have evidently witnessed the emergence of a growing body of research that underscores the importance of investigating the impact of test use (Imsa-ard, 2020; Pan & Roever, 2016; Saglam and Tsagari, 2022; Tsagari, 2011). In many contexts, the remarkably increased reliance on high-stakes testing and standardized assessments by educational authorities and policymakers has resulted in discontent and raised disquieting concerns about the consequences of these tests for different stakeholders. In fact, this is utterly one of the leading factors to the upsurge of research studies that investigate and evaluate the impact and repercussions of test use. The present article primarily discusses the dynamic role of consequential validity in high-stakes assessment practices. Firstly, it briefly draws on the historical and theoretical background underpinning the concept of consequential validity. Secondly, it sheds light on the contentious debate revolving around it in the existing literature. Thirdly, it shortly addresses the issue of bias and unfairness in the use of testing. Fourthly, it synthesizes findings from numerous studies pertaining to the unintended consequences of high-stakes assessments. Finally, it concludes with implications for different stakeholders; future researchers, policymakers, test designers and classroom teachers.
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