Parental Involvement and Academic Resilience as Predictors of Students’ Academic Engagement in Secondary Schools in Anambra State, Nigeria
Without proper engagement of students through the roles palyed by their parents and their teachers, students’ academic enegagement behaviour may deteriorate. This may be as a result of poor parental inolvment and poor academic resilience. Given this problem, this study examined parental involvement and academic resilience as predictors of academic engagement of secondary school students in Anambra State. The study adopted a correlational research design and guided by three research questions and three null hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population of the study comprised of 19708 senior secondary class two (SS2) students from which a sample size of 960 was drawn through a multi-stage simple random technique. Three instruments were used for the study titled: Parental Involvement Questionnaire (PIQ), Academic Resilience Questionnaire (ARQ) and Academic Engagement Questionnaire (AEQ) and validated by three experts in the field of Educational Psychology. The Cronbach Alpha method was adopted in determining the reliability of the instruments and they yielded alpha coefficients of 0.78, 0.70 and 0.81 for PIQ, ARQ and AEQ respectively. Data collected were analyzed using simple correlation for answering research questions and simple regression analyses for testing the null hypotheses. Findings indicated that both parental involvement and academic resilience have a positive relationship with academic engagement. It further showed that parental involvement and academic resilience jointly contributed positively to the academic engagement of secondary school students in Anambra State. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that parents should continue to be involved in the education of their children which can boost the children’s resilience with a ripple effect of improving the academic engagement of their children.
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