Metacognition et Performance Scolaire: Cas de L’Observation Scientifique en Sciences de La Vie et de La Terre
The field of research focuses on metacognition which is subject of academic performance. Our objectives are to identify the Metacognitive skills which the learner needs to improve her grades and to prove that the use of these improves school performance. Our methodology, it is stereotypes on a non probabilistic sampling to second level students 40 second-level and with material Sciences of life and the Earth where we are looking for Metacognitive skills.
The result is that this metacognition in its process, is as a methodical, systematically driving activity. She is conscious and even conscious, which is to consider the cognitive approaches and the intellectual process at work in the construction of a reasoning or during the resolution of a problem situation. Reflective listening, by the teaching metacognitive, must bring our students to be successful by the scientific language where they build, to socialize they think and they learn.
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