A Versatile Technique for the Fabrication of PEDOT: PSS Films for Organic Solar Cells
Organic solar cells hold the potential of low-cost production as compared to inorganic solar cells, as well as the increase in efficiency. To realize these possibilities, the key is to fabricate most of the functional films in requisite structures via ambient solution-processed techniques. The PEDOT: PSS films, which are commonly used as an anode layer in organic electronic devices, were deposited on large-area ITO glass substrates under optimized conditions. The spin, spray, brush and brush+spray-coating techniques were utilized to examine their suitability in the fabrication of organic solar cells (OSCs). The films were characterized for their morphology, molecular structure, optical and electrical properties and results are compared with the existing data. A smooth and thin films of PEDOT: PSS were obtained by “Spray+Brush” coating method with attractive sheet-conductivity having potential in fabricating OSCs with different architectures.
Key words: Organic solar cells; PEDOT: PSS films; Solution-processed techniques
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.est.1923847920120402.528
DOI (PDF): http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/g3188
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