On Teacher Talk From the Perspective of Dialogue Theory
In English teaching classrooms, the English language is not only the language for teaching and communication but the teaching contents and objectives. In addition, teacher talk is also the important source of learners’ English input. This is especially true in the case of China where teacher-oriented teaching still dominates the classroom; besides, students can hardly gain an access to other forms of comprehensible in put outside of the classroom since English is a foreign language.
This essay tries to analyze college English teachers’ talk from the perspective of Baktin’s dialogue theory. It aims to open out the use of TT in the present classrooms and meanwhile explore the ways to improve the quality of it. The research is conducted in Henan Polytechnic University, and two research methods are adopted: case study and survey study. In the case study, six college English teachers’ classes were recorded, and the recordings were transcribed. In the survey study, the author designed one questionnaire, in which more than 150 students took part in the research. Through close analysis of the transcription, the essay elaborated such questions as feature and amount of TT, teacher’s questioning, teacher’s feedback, etc. According to the results of the analysis, the author put forward suggestions to improve the quality of TT and students’ talking skills.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/8530
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