Dai’Shi (ISIS) Discourse in Arab Societies and the Emigration of Eastern Christians
Arab societies are suffering, since the events of the so-called “Arab Spring” 2011, a condition of conflict, terrorism, and instability. All the foregoing has produced a state of extremism towards the Christians of the Arab East as an essential component of Arab societies, thereby causing their exodus outside their countries, whether Iraq or Syria.
The question presents itself: Are the events of the Arab Spring responsible for the exodus of the Christians of the East? Or is the matter related to the religious discourse and the school curricula which inculcate in the minds of students and youth what makes them reach this state of violence and extremism towards the other?
The study has concluded that extremism and violence are a direct consequence of the official discourse, whether in the mosque, or school, alongside encouragement or at least a tacit acceptance by the Arab political regimes of those forms of conduct which may be utilized as a “religious card” to obtain internal political legitimacy on the one hand, while highlighting their role as a “protector” of religious and ethnic minorities on the other.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/%25x
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