A Brief Research Report on Understanding the Meaning of Driving for Older Americans: A Korean’s Perspective on Two Cultures
This discussion paper used a brief qualitative research report to understand the meaning of driving to older Americans from the perspective of a Korean researcher in order to increase cultural sensitivity.
In-depth audio-recorded interviews were conducted with two older Americans by the Korean researcher. A conventional content analysis was performed, resulting in the conceptual model describing their meaning of driving according to life cycle. The Korean researcher’s auto-biographical journal, a coding scheme, peer debriefing, and thick description with quotes were utilized to ensure the trustworthiness of study findings.
Participants described the meaning of driving throughout their lifespan as having four themes: Starting to be autonomous, Staying autonomous, Losing autonomy, and Regaining autonomy.
Unlike older Koreans, having driving privileges greatly influences the feeling of autonomy among older Americans. In order to provide culturally-sensitive care for older Americans, it is imperative to recognize the loss of autonomy that results from losing their driving privileges.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/%25x
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