Application of Ultrasound Waves to Increase the Efficiency of Oxidative Desulfurization Process

Iman Najafi, Mohammad Amin Makarem, Mahmood Amani


One of the key factors for increasing the efficiency of reactions in which catalysts are involved is to increase the contacts and exposure of reagents to the catalysts. Using ultrasonic waves to destabilize the boundary layer between solid catalysts and reagents and mixing the homogeneous catalysts and reagent can increase the rate of reaction. Based on this fact, many industrial processesincludingdesulfurization are enhanced by sonication. In this study a sono desulfurization unit with the capacity of 5 bbl per day, in which oxidative desulfurization is the main mechanism, is designed and tested. Also, the influence of different parameters on the efficiency of the reactions is investigated.
Key words: Ultrasonic waves; Desulfurization; Catalyst; Oxidant


Ultrasonic waves; Desulfurization; Catalyst; Oxidant

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