Oil in Italy: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
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[33] Italy [Available in the Internet at: https://www.iea.org/articles/global-ev-data-explorer] (Accessed 22 April 2022)
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[36] CNG filling stations in Italy in April 2022 [Available in the Internet at: https:/ /www.glpautogas. info/en/cng-stations-italy] (Accessed 22 April 2022)
[37] Map of LPG stations [Available in the Internet at: https://www.mylpg.eu/ stations/italy] (Accessed 22 April 2022)
[38] Air Liquide and Eni to develop hydrogen stations in Italy [Available in the In-ternet at: https://www.petrolplaza.com/news/28535] (Accessed 22 April 2022)
[39] Toyota and Eni Announce Cooperative Agreement… [Available in the Internet at: https://fuelcellsworks.com/news] (Accessed 22 April 2022)
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[42] Oil Balance Italy [Available in the Internet at: https://commons.wikimedia. org/wiki] (Accessed 22 April 2022)
[43] Italian oil product demand slumped by 45% in April [Available in the Internet at: https://www.argusmedia.com/en/news/2106296] (Accessed 22 April 2022)
[44] Market Overview [Available in the Internet at: https:/ /www.mordorintelligence. com/industry-reports/italy-oil-and-gas-market] (Accessed 22 April 2022)
[45] Exports; Imports [Available in the Internet at: https://oec.world/en/profile/ country/ita] (Accessed 18 April 2022)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12553
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