Equipotential Energy Exchange Depends on Density of Matter
Abstract: Potential energy exchanged for work done by radial/center-bound gravitational force field along equipotential surfaces (where the radial potential remains unchanged by definition), depends also on density of matter of the source mass that is responsible for generating the locally dominant field. To the extent that equipotential hence nonradial parts of trajectory paths (of the objects that move within the field) are exposed to the (nonrotating) field’s influence, the moving objects’ energy is lost (regardless of direction of the nonradial part of their motion) and transferred to the field. Mathematically derived, with the use of (new) synthetic mathematics, a new law governing nonradial exchange of potential energy generalizes the previous law that has been derived from physical considerations and had already been confirmed by several experiments and observations.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.sms.1923845220130702.2752
DOI (PDF): http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/g5336
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