Developing a Service Quality Measurement Model of Public Health Center in Indonesia

Tri Rakhmawati, Sik Sumaedi, I Gede Mahatma Yuda Bakti, Nidya J Astrini, Medi Yarmen Tri Widianti, Dini Chandra Sekar, Dewi Indah Vebriyanti


Many researches were conducted in order to develop service quality measurement model for health service. However, the majority of the researches were conducted in hospital service context and only small numbers of the researches were done in developing countries. Furthermore, the previous researches also have not tested the stability of service quality measurement model because of the differences in socio-demographic profiles (sex, age, and income) of the users. Therefore, this research tried to develop a new service quality measurement model for public health center (PHC) in Indonesia, a developing country.In order to build the model, research data were gathered from 800 PHC users using survey method. The authors applied some statistical analysis, such as: exploratory factor analysis to identify the dimensions of service quality; confirmatory factor analysis to test the goodness of fit, discriminant validity, and convergent validity; Cronbach Alpha analysis to ensure the reliability, and stability analysis based on socio-demographic profiles of the respondents.The result shows that service quality measurement model of PHC in Indonesia consists of 24 indicators which are divided into four dimensions, namely the quality of healthcare delivery, the quality of healthcare personnel, the adequacy of healthcare resources, and the quality of administration process. This service quality measurement model has not only met the criteria of goodness of fit, discriminant validity, convergent validity, and reliability but also proved to be stable tested against respondents’ sexes, ages, and incomes.


Service quality; Public Health Center; Measurement instrument; Developing countries

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