The Research on Impact Factors of Perceived Online Review Usefulness

Mengmeng LIU, Zhihong Lii, Ming SHAO


Online review has become a research focus of marketing researchers recently, especially on its impacting on consumers’ purchasing decision. But considering the questionnaire research method and ignorance of influencing mechanism research, this study is established to study the detail impact factors of online reviews of usefulness. The study uses text mining method to collect valid data on, the biggest online review platform over the world. Results indicate that online reviews depth, review humor marked by other users, reviewers’ historic comments amount, reviewers’ rank, reviewers’ centrality of social network and others’ responds all have significant impact on the perceived online reviews usefulness. And the product involvement of review receiver plays moderating role in influencing the content of information and sources of information on the perceived online reviews usefulness.


Online review; Perceived online reviews usefulness; Information processing theory

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