Economic Analysis on Experiences of Western Auto Industry to Hubei’s Low Carbon Auto Development in the Post Crisis Era

WU Wenjing


It is expected that by 2020, the saving and new energy car production in Hubei will reach 600 thousand, the predicted sales will reach 500 thousand. As one of the three major automobile bases in China, Green cars, long popular in European countries such as Belgium, has therefore become a key for both the revival and the low carbon development of Hubei’s auto industry. Analyzing the green car development in Europe and the history of the US auto’s once prosperity, its gradual decline and the latest green development, the paper holds the view that, in the Post Financial Crisis Era, the biggest opportunity for Hubei’s auto industry lies in the low carbon development.
Key words: Saving and new energy vehicles; US auto financing; Belgian “green” car plastics; Hubei low carbon development; Post crisis era


Saving and new energy vehicles; US auto financing; Belgian “green” car plastics; Hubei low carbon development; Post crisis era

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