Association Between Perception of Organizational Politics and Workplace Friendship
This paper examined the association between perception of organizational politics and workplace friendship among university workers with a particular reference to Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria. The objectives of this study were to determine whether general politics, go along to get ahead, pay and promotion policy were predictors of workplace friendship and also to establish the significant relationship between general politics, go along to get ahead, pay and promotion policy and workplace friendship. The study employed survey research. Primary data was used for the study with questionnaires as research instrument. The subjects of this study were two hundred employees in the service of the university. The hypotheses formulated for the study were tested using correlation analysis and regression analysis. The findings of the study revealed that the joint effect of independent variables (general politics, go along to get ahead, pay and promotion policy) jointly and independently predicted workplace friendship. The research also indicated that there was a strong association between the three variables used in measuring perception of organizational politics and workplace friendship. Based on the findings from this study, it is suggested that efforts be made by the organization to enhance or emphasize the importance of teamwork may be an appropriate managerial approach to reducing politics by increasing employees’ understanding and control, particularly in organizations whose strategic objectives call for employees to work in teams. Employees should recognize the consequences and antecedents of perception of politics prevailing in their organization.
Key words: Perception of organizational politics; General politics; Go along to get ahead; Pay and promotion policy; Workplace friendship
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