Distinction between Ideological and Political Education Category and Its Relevant Concepts

Changsong Li


Ideological and political education category should be based on clear clarification, demarcation and explanation of its connotation. The whole process should proceed from the shallower to the deeper. Besides, the relations between its relevant concepts, terms, and laws should also be explained so that the research on ideological and political education category is scientific.


Ideological and political education; connotation of category; relevant concepts; distinction between relations

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Mao Zedong’s Selected Works (Vol.1). (1991). Beijing: People’s Publishing House.

Marx and Engels’ Collected Works (Vol.10). (2009). Beijing: People’s Publishing House.

Wang, Y. H. (2007). Category and system of criticism on Chinese literary. Shanghai: Fudan University Press.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.ccc.1923670020141001.4263


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