On the Implication of the Missing Flavor of Salt in The Bible

Qinfang LIAO


In The Bible Christians are likened as salt by Jesus. But if they lose the salt-like flavor and become useless, they will be thrown away, and be trodden under the feet of men. This article aims to analyze the causes and results of the lost taste of salt and explore that Christians, although suffering, yet becoming victorious in a difficult environment, will be blessed, be rich in the taste of salt and live a valued life.


Salt; Suffering; Missing flavor; Hidden meaning

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2 Corinthians. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (13:8-9, 4:17. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

2 Kings. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (6:5-7. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

I Peter. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (1:6-7, 4:12. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

2 Peter. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (2:20, 2:22. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

2 Samuel. (2000, January). HOLY BIBLE - CHINESE / ENGLISH (UNION - NIV) Trim Size (11, 13. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

Corrie Corrie ten Boom, Chamber of Secrets, The Hiding Place, Translated by Zhou Tianhe. http://www.cclw.net/book/TheHidingPlace/index.html.

Ecclesiastes. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (5:2. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

Ephesians. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (4:29. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

Genesis. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (20, 27, 50:20. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

Hebrew. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (12:10, 10:36, 11:26, 12:2. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

Isaiah. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (6:5, 38:17. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

Jeremiah. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (29:11-13. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

Jonah. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (1-2, 2. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

Leviticus. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (10:1-2. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

Luke. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (9:62, 13:13, 14:25-27, 14:28-30, 14:31-33, 14:34-35. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

Mark. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (8:34, 9:42, 9:43-48, 9:45-46, 9:50. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

Matthew. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (5:11-13, 5:13, 6:13, 10:22, 12:1-2, 13:5-6, 24:13, 20:11-12, 22-23. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

Proverbs. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (6:3-5, 6:17-19, 8:28, 26:28. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

Timothy. (2000, January). Holy Bible - Chinese / English (Union - Niv) Trim Size (4:10. 1st Print.). Hong Kong: International Bible Society (H.K.) ltd. G. P. O. Box5208.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.ccc.1923670020130904.3092


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