Designing Performance Evaluation Index System of Health Care Department in County-Level Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital

Yan WANG, Shixiong DENG


The health care department of county-level Maternal and Child Health care Hospital is an important part of maternal and children health care institutions, constructing a set of scientific and standard of performance appraisal index for the health care department is a prerequisite for improving the service objectives of county-level maternal and children health care institutions. This article designed a set of scientific and practical performance evaluation index system for the health care department of county-level Maternal and Child Health care Hospital through literature analysis, in-depth interviews, key performance indicators and Delphy law. The pertinence of evaluation index selection, the distribution rationality of each index weight coefficient and the better operability with scientifically designed evaluation index system could provide a useful reference for the performance appraisal of the health care department of county-level Maternal and Child Health care Hospital.


Maternal and child health care hospital; Performance appraisal; Index system

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