Influencing Factors of Consumer Health Information Seeking Behavior Via Social Media
Objective: We aim to analyze the consumer health information seeking behavior to figure out its characteristics and influencing factors, and make further efforts to provide targeted recommendations for media managers to promote health communication via social media.
Design/methodology/approach: Our custom model was derived from literature review, empirical research was tested by the use of questionnaire investigation, and finally the collected data was analyzed by SmartPLS, a tool of structural equation model.
Findings: Gratification of health information and its platform had a positive effect on attitudes toward health information seeking behavior. Health information literacy was proved to have a significant influence on attitudes toward health information seeking behavior, subject norms and perceived behavioral control, respectively. Attitudes toward the health information seeking behavior and subject norms were proved to positively associate with health information seeking behavior intention. In addition, some demographic factors were found to associate with health information seeking behavior via social media such as age, gender, and profession.
Originality/value: We constructed the seeking behavior model of health information from the perspective of sociology and psychology, empirically studied health information seeking behavior and its influencing factors via social media, and has laid a favorable foundation for the relevant departments about further health communication research.
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