On the Problem of Re-Recognition in Contemporary Sino-Italian Relations



China and Italy enjoy a glorious history of friendly exchanges. In spite that the development of Sino-Italian relations has been relatively smooth and steady, the two countries are still facing a variety of problems, which are mainly due to the lack of necessary knowledge about each other. Mutual understandings between the two parts have been lagging behind their bilateral exchanges and cooperation. In other words, the two nations need to “re-recognize” each other in new situations and contexts. This paper reviews briefly the three main stages of Sino-Italian relations since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, introduces different importance placed on their bilateral relations in different periods, deconstructs their changing understandings about “the other” and gives an explanation to a number of typical shortcomings that the two peoples are facing in the re-recognition.


Sino-Italian relations; Historical evolution; Re-recognition

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/%25x


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