An Assessment of the Management of Adhoc Electoral staff and Electoral Violence in Rivers State of Nigeria 1999 – 2015
This study employed the interview technique, focus group discussion and non-participant observation to attempt an assessment of the nexus between the pattern of management of adhoc electoral staff and election violence in Rivers State of Nigeria from 1999 – 2015 under the guidance of four hypotheses. The study was validated using the conventional means of discussion and consultation with the project supervisors and experts in election studies. The Test-retest method was used to establish the reliability of the instruments employed for the study within which percentile ratings and chi-square were employed for data analysis. The study found that the pattern of management of adhoc electoral staff contributed to the rise in the level of election violence within the state under review given that lack of transparency in recruitment, inadequate training, inadequate remuneration and absence of disciplinary measures for erring adhoc electoral staff were of primary significance in election fraud and attendant violence. The study also found that the process of recruitment of adhoc staff was rarely transparent. The study recommends that the government needs to evolve a reliable process of adhoc staff recruitment while providing for adequate training and remuneration in future elections.
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