Abrasive Wear of Geometrical Surface Structures of Scapharca Subcrenata and Burnt-end Ark Against Soil

Rui ZHANG, Zhi-li LU, Jian-qiao LI


Scapharca subcrenata(Arca subcrenala Lischke)and Burnt-end Ark (Arca inflata Reeve) were selected as the research object. The abrasive wear experiments of three types of surface structures against soil were performed in the abrasive tester. These surface structures include the Scapharca subcrenata node rib pattern shell, Scapharca subcrenata rib pattern shell and Burnt-end Ark. The test results showed that the wear-resistant function of the surface structures of the Scapharca subcrenata node rib pattern shell and the Burnt-end Ark shell was better than that of the surface structure of the Scapharca subcrenata rib pattern shell when the relative sliding velocity was 2.41m/s. When abrasive size was range from 0.380mm to 0.830mm, the wear loss of these three types of surface structures were increased with the relative sliding velocity increasing.Keywords: Scapharca subcrenata; Burnt-end Ark; geometrical surface structure; abrasive wear; wear resistance


Scapharca subcrenata; Burnt-end Ark; geometrical surface structure; abrasive wear; wear resistance

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.ans.1715787020100302.025

DOI (PDF): http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/g954


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