Assessement of the Relationship Between Increase in Heigth of Cassava Growth Rate and Agro-Climatic Parameters in Ilorin Area of Kwara State, Nigeria
Cassava is primarily produced for food in its various forms and Nigeria has been recognized as the largest producer of the crop in the world. Despite the impacts of various weather parameters on crop production, Cassava can still withstand harsh conditions making it a key crop for protecting small holder farming against climate change. This paper therefore examined the relationship between increase in height of Cassava growth rate and agro climatic parameters. The agro climatic indices appraised were Rainfall, Relative humidity, Temperature and wind speed. Interrelationship between these agro climatic variables and increase in the height of growth rate of Cassava was computed using regression analysis. It was discovered that the four agro climatic variables had relationship with one another at either 95% significant level or 99% level. It was also revealed that there is 75% at 95% significant level in the rate of increase in height and yield of Cassava which was accounted for by relative humidity. It was therefore concluded that increase in the height rate and yield of Cassava due to relative humidity was as a result of combined effects of the three other climatic parameters.
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